Friday, January 9, 2009


Hello party people:

So victory was mine this morning. It was me, my body and the evil scale. I woke up this morning with my guns drawn...who would or the scale. I step on to that scale and put on my back up pair glasses---the only ones I could find......and peered down to the magic ball system--and waited for the numbers to magically appear. I held my breathe---and then looked down after it seemed like hours. Finally the scale had finally moved. Finally--I thought my scale had taken a vacation and just had the same number programed in...kinda like when we leave an out-office message....then we keep on for weeks when we have actually returned back to work. All and all--the scale moved down .5 lbs. A small victory but a victory all the less. The only thought that went through my little weight obsessed head--was hell yea, victory for the fat girl :)

Signing off, .5 lbs lighter....

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